*Spoiler Alert*
Today my friend and I took our girls to see the new Pixar film, Brave. We pre-purchased our tickets online, thankfully, because the theater was full. Maybe the crowds can be contributed to the fact that it is summer. We Texans often escape the hot, humid days by spending a couple of hours in a cool, dark theater. The weather, however, is not what enticed me to the theater today.
The previews for Brave made the mother-of-a-girl in me take notice. I thought the story would be one of girl power, with the main character fights for her right to choose who she marries. Unfotunately, that is not what I got.
The story, instead, is about a teenage girl who, in a fit of anger at her mother, makes a deal with a witch to change her fate. The spell goes wrong and changes her mother in to a bear.
The audience then worries that the father, who has a Captain Hook/crocodile relationship with a bear that ate his leg, will kill the mother in her grizzly (pun intended) state.
The daughter (the one that the previews tried to tell us was the hero of the film... girl power, remember?) is really just a teenage brat. In a selfish act, she has potentially turned her mother from a queen to a bear forever. The mother is the actual "Brave" one in the film.
I won't say that I am sad I went. Anytime with friends is worth it, and I'm a sucker for snuggling up to my girl and sharing some popcorn!
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